Mold Stain Removal with Lemon Juice

Mold stains your tile, grout, shower curtains and other fabrics can be a real eye sore. They can also give off a milder like smell that will drive you insane. Fear not though. There is a quick, all natural mold stain removal solution right in your own home.

1) Start by preparing the infected room or area. This means placing plastic wrap over top of nearby objects (possessions, walls, floors and ceilings) to keep mold spores from infecting other areas of your home. You also want to wear protective eye wear, latex gloves and a HEPA approved breathing mask.
2) Next, mix a solution that is 1 cup lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of salt.
3) Once you have your solution ready, use a spray bottle to dampen the moldy area. Let the solution sit for at least a few minutes so that it can penetrate the mold.

NOTE: Do not wet a sponge or towel with your solution and wipe the mold while it is dry. This can result in mold spores becoming airborne where they will rest and grow on other surfaces.

4) Next you will take a sponge or towel (one that you can discard afterwards) and gently wipe away the surface mold. After the surface mold is removed, spray the infected area again and let it sit for another minute.
5) Lightly scrub the area to remove any mold residue or remaining spores. You can also dab the area to remove any leftover moisture.

Your cleanup process should be handled with as much care and attention to detail as your removal process. This is to prevent mold from settling elsewhere in your home where it can grow all over again.
1) Using a HEPA filtered vacuum, vacuum the plastic wrap and surrounding areas where the mold was. This is to attempt to remove any lose mold spores that went airborne during the removal process.
2) Once vacuuming is complete, fold up the plastic wraps that were used during removal and discard them by placing them in a sealed garbage bag.
NOTE: Do not carry the plastic wrap out of your home. In the event that loose mold spores were left behind, you may be transporting them to other areas of your home where they can rest and grow.
3) Discard your latex gloves and breathing mask along with the plastic wrap. Your safety goggles can be re-used if necessary but be sure to thoroughly clean them. You can use the same solution you prepared earlier to do this.
4) Once the entire plastic wrap has been removed, use your HEPA filtered vacuum once more to give the surrounding area on more vacuum as a precaution.

How to stop mold growth

[divider] How to stop mold[/divider]

Control the moisture and you control the mold! The answer really is that simple. Moisture is a molds best friend. Although it is just one of four things that mold needs to thrive, it is the most important thing.

The real problem comes from correcting the source of the moisture. This could be caused by simple things like condensation build up in kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms  or even by spilling a glass of water. More serious water buildup can come from things like plumbing leaks, unsealed doors or windows that build moisture or even foundation cracks. In any case, the water needs to be eliminated! Adequate ventilation plays a big role in this job.

Furthermore, mold needs food such as dust. Good housekeeping practices help to minimize this food source. Mould also uses the nutrients found in drywall, wood, wallpaper, ceiling tiles, carpet, fabric and paint, all of which commonly exist in a home or occupational work place.

The health effects of mold

[divider] The health effects of mold [/divider]

Welcome to the number one concern of a mold problem. Your health is paramount and it should never be put in harms way. This is why you need to contact a professional mold remover if you think you have mold.

Now that that is out of the way, let’s talk about some of the symptoms and effects that mold can have on the human body. First you should know that each and ever person has different sensitivity to mold. While some people may show some ill effects around mold, others may have a higher tolerance to its presence and not notice an effects. Those who display no symptoms though are not out of harms way.

[one_half]Common symptoms of mold sickness include:

  • Headache, fatigue, shortness of breath.
  • Sinus congestion, coughing and sneezing.
  • Eye, nose, throat and skin irritation (itching).
  • Dizziness, nausea and/or vomiting.

[/one_half][one_half_last]Individuals who have the highest risk potential include:

  • Allergy and asthma sufferers.
  • People with respiratory disease.
  • Those with weakened immune systems.
  • Contact lens wearers.


The most common types of mold(s) that are found in homes include Cladosprium (non toxic but can cause reactions with those who have allergies, asthma or weakened immune systems), Penicillium (commonly found on food and causes gastric complications when ingested), Aspergillus (most common and most toxic mold that is believed to cause cancers and other serious health complications) and Alternaria (found in fabrics and can cause respiratory failure).

Does cleaning mold stop it from growing?

[divider] Does cleaning mould stop it? [/divider]

Think of mold like an iceberg. The part you see above the surface is the smallest part. It is because of this that cleaning mold is ineffective. Read more

Why you shouldn’t paint over mold

[divider] Can I paint over mould? [/divider]

Painting over mold is like painting over rust on a car. It will only mask the problem and do so temporarily. Underneath the paint, mold spores continue to grow and in time will show through the new coat of paint. Mold must be properly removed at its root level before new paint can be applied.

Since one of the main ingredients of mold growth is moisture, painting over mold may seal in moisture and make the growth conditions even more favorable. Drying the area before hand will not prevent this as the moisture may be present at a deeper level.

How to kill mold

[divider] How to kill mold [/divider]

how to kill moldBefore we get into how to kill mold, first we must give our professional disclaimer. Killing mold does not stop its risks, especialliy health related risks. The Mycotoxins that are present in the cell walls of mold will remain as potent whether dead or alive. Killing mold is thus just the start. Once dead, the mold needs to be properly removed.

Most products on the market will work well at killing mold but only if they are followed to the letter. When not properly handled, even in the slightest bit, these products will fail and mold will be left behind. From here, it only takes a a few spores of the millions that are present to begin reproduction. Mold has to be killed and removed at the root level otherwise it will continue growing.



[divider] Can I kill mould myelf? [/divider]
You certainly can kill mold yourself but the health risks associated with doing so are never worth the gamble. The only people who should remove mold are those with the proper training regarding containment and removal and those who have the proper protective equipment. However, there are some household items that one can use to kill mold. For instructions on how to kill mold with the following items, click the item.


    • Bleach
    • Borax
    • Vinegar
    • Ammonia


    • Hydrogen Peroxide
    • Detergent
    • Baking Soda


What does mold smell like?

[divider] What does mold smell like? [/divider]

what does mold smell likeAs we mentioned earlier on our journey, mold is everywhere. It can be found on just about any surface, even in the air we breathe. Mold has been on this planet long before humans. You might think that we have developed a tolerance to it over time and you are right. Humans have learned to adapt to the presence of mold but we are free from its harmful effects. One of our best defense mechanisms when it comes to detecting the presence of mold is our noses.

When mold is present, it will produce something that we in the business call MVOC’s. This stands for Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds but you don’t need to be concerned with what those are. What you should know though is that these MVOC’s produce a very distinct smell that is best described as musty or earthy. You might relate it to decaying wood or wet, dirty socks.

If you think your nose has detected mold but you are not 100% sure, the best way to double check is to step outside and get a good amount of fresh air. This will cleanse your pallet. When you step back into the room/area in question, if you smell that earthy, musty smell again, you may have mold. This can always be confirmed though with a simple mold inspection.

Is mold bad for you?

[divider] Why is mould a concern? [/divider]

When it comes to mold growth, there are two primary areas of concern. Mold can cause damage to material items such as wood, paper and fabrics and more importantly it can cause serious health complications in certain forms.

Wood for example will rot over time as the mold feeds on it. This can drastically reduce the structural integrity of the wood which can lead to much greater, and more expensive, problems. Your roof for example can develop leaks over time as wood rots. It can even collapse if its structure is broken down enough.

When it comes to your health, you can never be too careful. The effects of mold on the body can range from mild to severe. Simple headaches and sinus infections to respiratory failure and even cancer have been linked to mold complications.  Typically pregnant women, infants, the elderly and those with already weakened immune systems are the most vulnerable. Effects though depend on the type of mold present. This is why it always important to test the mold with something like an air quality test.

If you think you may have come into contact with mold, always consult your physician.

How, where and why does mold grow

[divider] How does mold grow? [/divider]

Mold(s) reproduce by means of spores, or seeds. These spores will often settle on damp surfaces and begin to swell to 2-3 times their original size. As they do so, they begin to form thread like structures called Hyphae. As the Hyphae grow larger, they begin to interweave and form a mass called a Mycelium. This is the point where we notice mold with the naked eye. This cycle continues as the fungus matures and spores are carried away.

One of the key ingredients in mold growth is moisture. Mold(s) need moisture and nutrients to thrive. This is why we often find mold in places where water is present. Bathrooms, kitchens, basements and attics are some of the common culprits. However, even places or materials that seem or feel dry can hold moisture and start mold growth.


[divider] Why does mold grow? [/divider]
To answer this question, we must look at what mold needs in order to grow. It comes down to four key ingredients. Spores (which are everywhere on this planet), nutrients (such as wood, paper or dust), moisture and time. When you have all four of these elements present in the same location and at the same time, you are vulnerable to mold growth.


[divider] Where does mold grow? [/divider]
Molds are found everywhere in nature, both indoors and outdoors. There truly is no such thing as a mold free environment. As mentioned above, mold is most commonly found though in areas where its essential ingredients can be found. Common areas in the home include bathrooms, kitchens, basements and attics. If you want to learn more about where mold grows, then click the link to your left.

What is mold?

[divider] What is Mold? [/divider]

what is moldMold(s) are tiny organisms, fungi specifically, that reproduce and grow at an extreme pace. Most commonly found on food or materials that have been saturated by water, mold can take on many forms. We see mold mostly as black, white or brown spores that can resemble decay or rot. Depending on the formation of the spores and on their color, one can sometimes classify the fungi group. However, the specific type of mold can vary as there are thousands of types of mold.

Smell is also another strong indicator of a molds presence as many produce an earthy, musty smell. This smell if often the first sign of mold growth for many homeowners when mold is present in building materials.

Although many molds are harmful to both materials and our own health, not all molds are dangerous. In fact, some foods are created through the controlled growth of mold. Even penicillin, the most widely known antibiotic on Earth, is obtained from a specific type of mold. Being a key ingredient in penicillin, it is arguable that we can attribute our very existence to mold.

Other molds produce hazardous materials that can cause health problems such as respiratory failure. One such material is Mycotoxins which is a toxic substance that can result in headaches, migraines, rashes, tiredness, sinus problems, difficulty breathing and chronic cough to name a few.